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AAP Neonatology Learning Program

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AAP Neonatology Program Introduction

AAP Neonatology Learning Program is an initiative based on Pediatrics in Review (PIR), a trusted journal from American Academy of Pediatrics. This learning Program consists of wide variety of topics covering key clinical areas through peer-reviewed, clinically oriented CME articles. It is aimed to guide today’s practicing clinicians on the optimal diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for diseases and delivery of neonatal outpatient or inpatient care.

Pediatric in Review (PIR) is one of the key components of the Academy’s continuing medical education program. Each PIR review article includes quiz questions formulated by topic experts.

Neonatology Learning Program Topics:

  • Neonatal Hypoglycemia

  • Jaundice: Newborn to Age 2 Months

  • Ventral Abdominal Wall Defects

  • Congenital Heart Disease

  • Disorders of the Umbilical Cord

  • Immunodeficiency Disorders

  • SIDS, BRUE, and Safe Sleep Guidelines

  • Updates in Infant Nutrition

  • Necrotizing Enterocolitis

  • Birth Injuries in Neonates

Each Learning Module consists of a detailed, evidence-based, peer-reviewed learning material and associated 5
self- assessment questions. Enrolled participants have to give at least 3 out of 5 correct answers to clear each module. This program will provide an option of re-assessment for scores less than 3.

A “Certificate of Completion” will be automatically generated upon completion of the learning program. Kindly register with your correct full name, as this will appear on the Certificate.